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Uploading Your Database

To be uploaded, your database must be submitted in either a Microsoft Excel spreadsheet or a standardized comma or tab delimited format (.csv or .txt).

Your database should contain the following fields. If you submit a database with additional fields they will be excluded from the upload.

  • First Name
  • Last Name
  • ADDRESS (Street Number, Street Name and any Apartment Number or Suite in the same field)
  • CITY (No abbreviations, please)
  • STATE (Abbreviated to the two letter postal code in all caps)
  • ZIP (5 digit Zip only)

How to Export your Contacts from Microsoft Outlook 2010

Please read these instructions on how to export from Microsoft Outlook:

How to Export from MLS Office:

How to Export from Gmail Account:

  • Sign in to Gmail.
  • At the top left, click Gmail > Contacts.
  • Click More > Export
  • Choose whether to export all contacts or only one group.
  • Select the format in which you'd like to export your contacts' information. Note that some of these formats can lose some contact information.
    • To transfer contacts between Google Accounts, use the Google CSV format. This is the recommended way to back up your Google Contacts.
    • To transfer contacts to Outlook, Yahoo! Mail, Hotmail, or various other apps, use the Outlook CSV format.
    • To transfer contacts to Apple Address Book, use the vCard format.
  • Click Export.
  • Choose Save to Disk > OK.
  • Select a location to save your file, and click OK.

Formatting Your Photo

We prefer that your photo be a high-resolution cmyk format (either .jpg, .tiff, or pdf) and 450x450 pixels. If you are not sure about your size and format of your photo, you can upload the photo